The rise of the digital supply chain is revolutionising international shipping, making it more accurate, flexible and faster than ever before.
Digital logistics refers to the growing convergence of logistics operations and technology advancements. Simply put, new technology and access to data ensures that there is end-to-end visibility across your supply chain, transforming logistics planning into a fluid and continuous process.
The increased visibility of performance metrics and data trends is driving flexibility, as supply chain-logistic applications can be tightly integrated with warehouse, transportation and workforce management systems, ultimately enhancing productivity. This real-time monitoring of all aspects of the supply chain can help to identify potential issues quickly, reducing costly errors and increasing customer satisfaction.
The quality and breadth of data available to businesses of all shapes and sizes is changing the way we do things, and logistics is no exception. By nature, international shipping is a complex task and without appropriate planning, costly errors can occur, often unexpectedly, at any point in the supply chain. Better data allows for better logistics analysis, giving a more holistic overview of the logistics journey and brings many benefits, such as optimising shipping routes and streamlining warehouse processes.
This is especially important for international shipping, as sea freight is the most energy-efficient method of transporting the world’s goods, but it can still be vulnerable to unexpected events which can cause delays and potentially bring widespread chain disruption
Increased access to data in real-time allows for increased productivity for the digital supply chain. How? Planning and managing global shipping is a task that traditionally would have been a fairly static process. Unlike traditional methods, the digital supply chain facilitates end-to-end visibility, allowing the monitoring of freight routes to account for any issues or risks that may cause costly disruption and adjust the logistics plan accordingly.
Blockchain is an excellent method of securing data and could play a big part in the digitalisation of the supply chain. Blockchain is a continuously growing set list of records and data, called Blocks, which are linked and then secured using cryptography. The fantastic thing about Blockchains is that they are resistant to the modification of data.
Using Blockchain to secure logistics data means that only those entrusted with access to handling the shipments can see the block associated with their needs. The decentralised data means that it is very resilient against hackers, as each block only tells a small story from the ultimate data set. Blockchains can also be used to find sources of error or inefficiency within supply chains.
Increased data and connectivity across the supply chain makes real-time planning a reality. This brings flexibility, enables us to reduce costs and risks, and improve productivity by making better informed decisions. Traditionally, the industry would use manual processes, such as spreadsheets, to plan journeys, but is now moving towards a real-time decision-making process.
This enables international shipping to become more flexible, as planning is made a continuous process that is able to react dynamically to any changing requirements, or even constraints, such as disruption on a freight route.
Thanks to GPS tracking, a parcel can be tracking in real-time from anywhere in the world, meaning the slightest delay in shipment is known immediately and can be communicated with all key stakeholders. At FSC Oceans, each shipment is continuously monitored and we provide real-time notifications on your cargo. Digitalised logistics is cutting down on lost items and incorrect packaging deliveries, bringing reduced costs and increased levels of customer satisfaction.
Even better, this data can be integrated into your EPOS system, so you’re up to date on where your shipment is and accurate information can be given to your customers at any time.
If you’re interested in finding out more about the digitalised supply chain, you can contact us to find out more.